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The power of you

Listen to your body. Trust your instincts. The doctor of the future is the patient.

tim·ing /ˈtīmiNG/ noun

· the choice, judgment, or control of when something should be done.

· a particular point or period of time when something happens.

Esther and I have been trying to make this conversation happen for a while. Either because of local school events, or personal family events, then social distancing due to a global pandemic. But it finally happened. and the timing couldn’t have been better. Albeit the discussion of advocating for your personal wellbeing is a pervasively timely one, being connected worldwide with a unprecedented scenario de threatens our personal wellbeing …well…that made it even more timely.

em·pow·er /əmˈpou(ə)r/ verb

gerund or present participle: empowering

· give (someone) the authority or power to do something.

· make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.

If I were to have to choose the most salient feeling or emotion that I felt as a result of having had this conversation it would be: empowered.

Empowered to choose my mindset, to take responsibility for my personal journey, in all aspects: health, emotional, spiritual. Empowered to advocate for ME. Empowered to choose curiosity and restlessness over complacency. Empowered knowing that just like when throwing a stone in a placid lake, as we watch the circles form and grow wider and wider – same with displaying personal empowerment. By displaying how we treat ourselves, we cue others on to how we want to be treated, we role model for our children the importance of self-respect, self-kindness, accountability, forgiveness and determination. So many inspiring concepts were discussed. For my ease, and hopefully yours as well, I decided to create a word cloud based on the different topics we discussed that evening. Before you continue reading, I invite you to take a minute and look below at the word cloud closely and see how many of these words – if any – resonate with you, and think why and how.

Mindset and outlook.

How we feel, physically, emotionally and spiritually, how we perceive our surroundings and our experiences, how we choose to respond, instead of react, to the world around us all depends on our mindset and our outlook. This is why we hear the saying “ we shape our own reality”.

When we choose to have a positive outlook and a growth mindset (refer to Dr. Carol Dweck for more on growth mindset) we are unequivocally better equipped to deal with anything and everything life throws at us whilst keeping our personal wellbeing in our own interest.

During our conversation Esther emphasized on how mindset and outlook are super powers particularly when it comes to dealing and managing diseases, such as, but not limited to, diabetes, thyroid, immunodeficiency, as well as weight issues. She shared success stories she has had within her own practice, where she has witnessed how the power of a positive mind has changed the course of illnesses/struggles in many of her clients. In no moment did she downplay the importance of traditional medical treatment, nor was she against it. Her emphasis was more in driving the point of that we have so much more power than we think we have over leading our personal wellbeing journey. Her message was to encourage us to wholeheartedly embrace our wellness journey – with all its ups and downs – knowing, and trusting, that all of us have the necessary tools inside of us to keep moving forward towards a better version of ourselves, whatever that may look like for each person.

Some of her key messages as they relate to mindset and outlook were:

· the doctor of the future is the patient

· listen to your body

· trust your instincts

· don’t give up

· take actionable steps

· be curious

· don’t be a victim if your own mindset

· release the pressure and expectations

· recognize and stop self-sabotage and negative self-perceptions

· be gentle on yourself

· be flexible

· be open

· be reasonable

· take responsibility

· be accountable for YOU

· lead your own journey

· stay determined

· set yourself fair expectations

· be forgiving

· monitor your stress levels - the answers you see seek are not inside your refrigerator!

· have a “to-don’t list”

As a group, more key messages were discussed that stemmed from Esther’s conversation:

· love your body

· find a hobby/passion

· find daily joys, reliable small and simple pleasures

· accept your age and celebrate yourself

· practice gratitude

· never doubt the power of gratitude

The “To-Don’t list”.

I personally thrive on lists to function. I admit I take it to the extreme – I have to-do lists on my phone, on both digital and physical shared family calendars. I have another one on the daily whiteboard that’s stuck on the wall, and extra ones on post-its that I sometimes cram into my pocket or stick onto my phone with the intention of reminding myself to add it to its digital form before I forget all about it. So yes -I’m all about the to-do lists. Yet, what I have never -ever- done. Ever. Is a “to don’t list”.

I was sharing with the group how hard it was for me to embrace downtime, to relax, as it tends to elicit sentiments of guilt and wasting time, when Esther recommended as a solution that I do a “to-don’t list”…

Esther began to explain the logic behind it, the more she explained, the more I realized how much common sense this concept made and WHY HAD I NEVER THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE?!

Esther’s concept of the “to-don’t list” was the all-encompassing, over-arching message that connected every other topic that we had discussed that evening. I’ll try to elucidate why:

As she went on to explain the benefits of the “to don’t list”, it became apparent where its strengths laid. For starters, understanding what actions we ought to NOT take or pursue, is equally as important as understanding those actions that we must take. Therefore, a “to don’t list” is an key tool to help us set realistic and achievable expectations. Once we have accurately adjusted our expectations then all that composes the fabric of these expectations will be inclined to unravel in the right direction. Meaning, the “to-don’t list” will serve as a roadmap that will help us release pressures that we impose on ourselves (lowering stress as a result!), address self-sabotage and free ourselves from negative self-perceptions. It will assist us in learning to be more gentle and flexible with ourselves, to be open-minded and reasonable. Furthermore, the “to don’t list” will aid us in taking responsibility for the things that matter, to take action, and be accountable for these actions and choices. To stay determined in reaching our goals, to be forgiving with ourselves and others, to find the silver-linings for which we feel gratitude for, ultimately to lead our own journey.

That evening, during our conversation Esther said playfully that she would call me the next day and remind me to get my “to don’t list” and she actually did! The very next day after our salon, I received the following text:

Esther: “Have you made your to-don’t list yet??

Me: “I haven’t yet, but it’s on my “to-do list” for today ;)”…

Thank you Esther for a wonderfully authentic, relatable and positive conversation. I learned so very much from you. I was reminded of many concepts that I have learned before but that had fallen to the sidelines because of the busyness of life, and the layers and layers of daily to-dos. Thank you for recalibrating my compass to what matters. For reminding me the power I have towards myself. For encouraging me to leap into this journey of personal wellbeing with confidence and excitement. Lastly, thank you for sharing your bountiful wisdom and beautiful self with all of us.

With intent,


For more on Esther Blum’s work you may visit her website @


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